Livin' Off the Rock of the Land

Who is Melissa Lopez?

Melissa Lopez, preferably known as Melissa Zombie. Born and raised in Cotabato City, Philippines but now resides in the sunny state California, USA. Recently graduated from a nursing program and now pursuing for a higher degree. And as to my more-known alter-ego: black metal head banger/ oldies but goodies/ rock n roller with amateur skills (perhaps hopeful) in playing the guitar and piano.

i grew up enjoying Parokya ni Edgar, Eraserheads, and few love songs by Side A. My brother used to have a rock band here in Davao, and I supported them too! Now, my heart melts like ice cream in summertime when i listen to Darkthrone, Mayhem, Sunn ((O)), The Doors, Pink Floyd, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, The Cure, and a lot of oldies music, some Jack Johnson and She&Him are super too!

Let's take a look at your ink! (click to enlarge)

Looks awesome! What do your tattoos mean?

ANGELS: i got it when i was 18.. i was a big mess in love and very misunderstood by everyone. i didnt want to forget how i felt during those times, so i got angels to guide me through that rocky road.

ZOMBIE NURSE: i wana mark every big step in my life (or at least the ones that i dont want to forget). I got it around august of 2009 while going through my nursing program. I thought, "Why not? It's a perfect representation of myself." I am completely and crazily obsessed with zombies, I'm a nurse, and pin-up girls are just way too sexy ;]

Melissa, your tattoos are totally HAWT! Thanks for sharing them with us. You rock!
Guys, if you wanna be the next featured person on here, feel free to hit us up at [email protected], or on the shoutbox! Yowza!

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