Livin' Off the Rock of the Land
1. Muzika Del Sur is back with a new season and 2 new VI's! Be sure to catch them on SouthSpot Channel 13, aite?

2. Tunog Timog is beginning a gig fashion section, so if you go to gigs, we will be ambushing people at random times and asking them where they got that spiffy jacket or awesome pair of kicks. And sometimes, we'll take shots of people that just look DIFFERENT! This section will hold a weekly featured gig fashion ambush photo. It could be you, ya never know. So be sure to smile for the camera!

3. We are currently accepting band profiles and artwork related to music and the local indie scene. Submissions will always be given full credit, cos man, that stuff ain't supposed to be kept secret!

4. Hell, you know this last part. SUPPORT LOKAL MUSIC! :D

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